Our wide range of products includes UHF fixed readers, UHF RFID antennas as well as RFID mobile terminals and labels of different kinds. Learn about the most effective passive RFID technology. Multiple applications to improve the monitoring, traceability and control of parts, products and people. We show you our IoT connectivity solutions for new applications based on the Internet of Things.
Find out the most effective passive RFID technology. Multiple applications to improve the tracking, traceability and control of parts, products and people. We will show you our IoT connectivity solutions for the new Internet Of Things based applications.

RFID Portal
We design and supply custom UHF RFID portals, which allow us to fix the RFID equipment we supply (readers, antennas, wiring, etc.) to the characteristics of the final environment.

RFID Tunnel
We design and manufacture customized UHF RFID tunnels, which allow RFID equipment (readers, antennas, wiring, etc.) to be fixed to the characteristics of the final environment (BOX level).

Intelligent UHF RFID shelves
We design and assemble intelligent UHF RFID shelves that offer full stock / inventory control in real time of stored products.

Optimized toll solutions with and without barrier
We supply the optimized RFID equipment (readers, antennas and specific tags for the identification of vehicles) giving support for ITS environments.

Parking solutions with and without barrier
We provide the perfect combination of UHF RFID equipment to offer an optimized performance solution in parking environments with and without barrier.

Forklift Solutions
We provide the necessary elements to equip forklifts with RFID technology.

Real time location system (RTLS)
We provide real-time location solutions (RTLS) that automatically identify and track the location of assets or people in real time.
We are here to help you, if you need to ask us anything please do not hesitate to do so.
Parque Empresarial Táctica
C/Coeters nº 9 (Nave 5)
46980 Paterna
Tel. +34 961 340 797
Fax +34 961 340 800