Since 1962, ESB Sistemas has developed, manufactures and implements all kinds of products for the telecommunications market.
ESB Sistemas España, S.L. is a company in the telecommunications sector backed by more than 40 years of experience and by the prestige of being recognized as exclusive partners for Europe of leading international firms in the field of telecommunications.
ESB Sistemas is a company founded in 1984, but its experience and know-how come from 1962, where it was a pioneer in the manufacture and development of television in Spain. Since then, ESB Sistemas manufactures and implements all kinds of products for the telecommunications market.
In 2007 ESB began to develop and supply solutions for the mobile telephony sector in Europe and later in 2011 in the rest of the world through its commercial network and agreements with major manufacturers.
We are exclusive partners of different brands with high international prestige, such as Ericsson, Kathrein, Rosenberger, Smarteq, Axell Wireless, Huber Suhner, Schomandl, SOLID and Telegärtner, all of them positioned within the same key: the quality of their products.
Get to know us through our most important milestones
Agreement with Kathrein for the development of the cellular business in Spain.
Mass deployment of antennas and 2G and 3G cellular solutions for Telefonica, Amena and Airtel.
Development and manufacturing of Camouflage Base station antennas (ECOSITE®) as well as implementation in European markets.
Implementation of private cellular security systems in the most important AVE and road tunnels nationwide.
Massive 4G network roll-out for Telefonica, Orange, Vodafone and Yoigo in Spain.
Optimisation of new factory and new agreements with high quality suppliers.
Kathrein (pDAS) IBS systems manufacturing and distribution agreement.
Representation agreement with Ericsson in different European countries.
Development of a new catalogue of ESB’s own connectivity solutions for the global market.
Our mission
It is our mission to shape a connected world and improve its efficiency using innovative and sustainable technologies.
Communication technologies play an important role in the process of evolution. They connect people and enable the world to be connected.
ESB Sistemas seeks effective and responsible connectivity with global technologies. The demand for these technologies is constantly increasing, as is the global consumption of data. With more than 50 years of experience, we are able to meet the most complex requirements and challenges.
Our values
ESB SISTEMAS develops and markets antennas for a global market. Working globally with the automotive and telecommunications industries has a responsibility to work towards social and economic development and sustainability, as well as to manage business responsibly.
We actively work on our core values: cooperation, long-term approach and reducing environmental impact.

Working in product development gives us the opportunity to collaborate with any type of company. We work diligently to maintain positive and respectful relationships with all of our partners, suppliers, and customers.

Environmental impact
ESB Sistemas works daily to reduce the visual impact of the telecommunications sector in our world. Therefore, the development of our products moves towards the integration of the antenna with the environment.

Impacto ambiental
ESB Sistemas trabaja diariamente para reducir el impacto visual del sector de las telecomunicaciones en nuestro mundo. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de nuestros productos se mueve hacia la integración de la antena con el medio ambiente.

Quality politics
Quality is configured as the best argument to compete in the market and represents a guarantee for the continuity and future of any company.
Our quality policy
ESB SISTEMAS, as a marketing and telecommunications equipment solutions company, has established a Quality Policy based on compliance with the requirements specified by the client, providing the necessary and sufficient quality, so that the client is fully satisfied and ensures their competitiveness.
ESB Sistemas is a family business. This fact has always marked our company culture and constitutes the basis of our economic success.
We believe in ethical principles and personal appreciation. We are convinced that we can only be successful in the long term if we incorporate all of these principles into our actions at all times.
Responsibility to employees
Employees are the driving force and success of our company. We believe in a qualified, responsible and motivated workforce, which is why we offer numerous activities for further professional development, as well as working conditions with progressive improvements.
Responsibility to society
With our business activities we are accountable to future generations. Our business system is based on sustainable relationships not only with our employees and direct customers, but also with the whole of society.
At ESB Sistemas we are committed to research, development and innovation (R&D&I). These 3 factors are the basis of our growth and our main difference compared to our competitors.
We allocate a significant percentage of our profit to promote new technological projects. We collaborate with companies, universities and different institutions in national and international research projects.
We are here to help you, if you need to ask us anything please do not hesitate to do so.
Parque Empresarial Táctica
C/Coeters nº 9 (Nave 5)
46980 Paterna
Tel. +34 961 340 797
Fax +34 961 340 800